Our answer:
Whenever you place a request through ILL, it will go through many stages before it is ready to be picked up or delivered to you
To review the current status of your item simply log in to your ILLiad account, and click the “Details” icon next to an outstanding request
At the bottom of the each request page, you can see every update a request has gone through. It will look something like this:
To see what common request statuses mean, review the table below:
Status |
Explanation |
Submitted By Customer |
This is when you initially submitted the request through ILLiad. |
Awaiting Request Processing |
The request is currently awaiting processing by Resource Sharing staff prior to being sent to other libraries. |
Request in Processing |
The request is currently being reviewed by Resource Sharing staff. |
Request Sent |
The request has been sent to other libraries that hold the item in their collections. |
Awaiting Unfulfilled Processing |
None of the libraries for the initial submission were able to provide the requested material. If there are more libraries available with access to the material, the request can be resubmitted again for fulfillment. |
Awaiting Post Receipt Processing |
Your requested item has arrived at FSU! Resource Sharing staff are processing the item to prepare it for checkout. If you’re registered for LEDS, it’s being routed to the LEDS staff for delivery. |
In Transit to Pickup Location |
Once the item has been processed, Resource Sharing staff send it to the desired pickup library location. |
Awaiting Customer Contact |
Your requested item has been processed, but the email notification has not been sent alerting you the item is available. This means that the item has arrived at the correct location for pickup but may not yet be available on the hold shelf. |
Customer Notified Via E-Mail |
The item is ready for you! This can either be for pickup at a physical library location or for delivery through LEDS. |
Delivered to Web |
The requested item was posted to your ILLiad account for article and chapter requests. From there, you can view and download the PDFs electronically. Remember, all links expire 30 days after you’ve been notified that the article or chapter is available in your account. |
Checked out to Customer |
The item is checked out on your account! |
Renewal Requested |
You requested a renewal for this item, which is currently awaiting processing by Resource Sharing staff. When you request a renewal, we have to wait to see if the lending library approves. If they do, we will manually change the due date. Otherwise, assume it should be returned by the original due date. |
Awaiting Renewal OK Processing |
The lending library has approved the renewal. Resource Sharing staff will update the due date for the material, which can be viewed in your ILLiad account. You will receive an email notification once the update is complete. |
Awaiting Renewal Denied Processing |
The lending library has denied the renewal. Please return the material by the original due date, and place a new request if you still need access once the original request is in the “Request Finished” status. |
Returned by Scholar | The item has been retrieved from the drop box and scanned in for transit to Resource Sharing and return to the lending library |
Item Checked In |
The item has been returned to FSU Resource Sharing and checked in by staff to prep the material for return to the lending library.. |
Awaiting Return Label Printing |
The item needs a shipping label to be mailed back to the lending library. |
Request Finished |
The item has been returned, and the request is now closed. |
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