
How do I update my profile in ILLiad?

Our answer:

To update your ILLiad profile, first log in to your ILLiad account. It is important to keep your information current in your ILLiad account, as your ILL items will be delivered or held for you depending on your Pickup Location. 

You can access your ILLiad account from the Find and Borrow page of the FSU Website by selecting "View your ILL account", or by following this login link: ILLiad Account Login.

Log in using your FSU Credentials. This will open your ILLiad account.

In the garnet navigation bar at the top of the page, select "Profile." 

This will cause a drop-menu to appear. Click "Update Profile" in order to update your information, including your "Pickup Location."

Remember, whatever you set as your "Pickup Location" will be where your material requests are held or delivered. If you are already registered for LEDS, you can have all of your ILLs delivered by selecting "Library Express Delivery (LEDS)" from the "Pickup Location" drop-down menu.