Interlibrary Loan is a library-to-library transaction. Overdue, damaged, or lost books affect the entire FSU community and may lead to borrowing restrictions from the lending library for all FSU scholars.
You will receive email notifications about your overdue books just as you do for the books that you borrow from the FSU Libraries. Once you receive the third overdue notice, your account will be blocked in ILLiad and an invoice will be requested from the lending library. Failure to return the book or pay the fine will result in restrictions for future ILL requests.
Due dates for these materials are displayed on book straps attached to the front cover of your items. Please do not remove this book strap, and return all ILL books to an inside book drop to ensure proper processing of the return.
ILL renewals may be requested at least seven (7) days before the due date. Overdue items are not eligible for renewal. Renewal requests are either granted or denied by the library that owns the book (remember: these items are NOT owned by FSU Libraries), and you will be notified as to that decision via your FSU email. If the item is eligible for renewal, you can click the “Renew Request” button next to the title. If the renewal is approved, the new due date will appear in your ILLiad account.
Note: Items not eligible for renewal will not display the “Renew Request” button.
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