
Should I try to negotiate my publication agreements with publishers?

Our answer:

Yes, you should consider negotiating your publication agreements. Traditionally, publishers require authors to transfer copyright, making the publisher the exclusive owner. This can limit the dissemination of your work. By retaining your copyright, you can share and reuse your work more freely.

You don’t have to accept all terms as-is. You can negotiate for better terms by consulting with a librarian or intellectual property expert. Using an approved “copyright addendum” can help you retain rights while giving the publisher what they need.

FSU authors are encouraged to use the FSU Copyright Transfer Addendum, which has been approved by the Offices of Research and General Counsel for use in publication contract negotiations. Authors interested in using the FSU Addendum should review these step-by-step instructions. The Libraries' Academic Publishing research guide includes a wealth of further information and resources on retaining your author rights.