
What are the policies for posting materials, filming, and photography in the Libraries?

Our answer:


FSU Libraries allow posting of library-approved flyers about FSU-sponsored activities in designated areas within Strozier, Pepper, and Dirac Libraries as space permits. Flyers about non-FSU activities or commercial ventures are not permitted within the FSU Libraries. All flyers must comply with Section 9 of the "University Policy for Posting, Promotions, Advertising, Chalking, and the Distribution of Materials on FSU Campuses. All such flyers must be:

• Clear and legible • Include the sponsoring department, school, or college name • Provide current contact information

Flyers are limited to a maximum size of 11 x 17 inches. All postings will be removed the day after the advertised event or on the first day of each month.  All flyers must be approved by the FSU Libraries Marketing and Communications department or their designee before being posted.

To request permission for posting in FSU Libraries please email our marketing and communications team (

Filming & Photography

Filming and photography inside Strozier, Dirac, and Engineering Libraries is strictly prohibited without the approval of the FSU Libraries Marketing and Communications Office.

To request permission for posting, filming, and/or photography in FSU Libraries please email our marketing and communications team (

Upon receipt of your request, a decision will be made and a temporary "press pass" will be issued for you to wear while you are in the building filming.