Our answer:
Regular Hours
Strozier Library is 24/5: Open Sundays 12pm-Friday 12am and Saturdays 10am-6pm.
Dirac Science Library is open Sunday 1pm-9pm; Monday - Thursday 8am-1am; Friday 8am-5pm; and Saturdays 10am-6pm.
You can always find up to date information about our opening and closing times for all FSU Libraries on our Hours page.
FSU Libraries will close for the majority of national holidays (Labor Day, MLK Day, 4th of July, etc.) and for certain days over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, along with the rest of the University. We remain open during Spring Break and between semesters with limited hours.
Our Saturday hours remain the same (10am-6pm) during football season.
You can always find updated information about our opening and closing times for all FSU Libraries on our Hours page.
Scholar Support Desk Hours
Please note that the Scholar Support Desk hours differ from the building hours. This means that materials checked out from the Scholar Support Desk (keys, laptops, etc.) must be returned before the Scholar Support Desk closes. If you'd like to check out books after the Strozier Scholar Support Desk closes at midnight, there is a Self-Checkout Machine on the 2nd floor.
Starbucks Hours
The Starbucks hours for Strozier Starbucks and Dirac Starbucks are determined by Seminole Dining and can be found on their website.
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